$550.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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1:1 Functional Nutrition and Mindset Coaching With Payment Plan

This is for the powerful woman who knows what she wants and is ready to get it.

In this 3 Month (minimum) container, you will work privately with Angela to achieve your glow up. 

Together we will transform those nagging thoughts of worthiness around body image, self-worth, relationships and life in general. 

Over the course of our time together we will bring you back to self-love, confidence, radical self-responsibility, radical self-awareness and emotional intelligence. We will do this while simultaneously taking your power back around a nutrition plan that is personalized for you, and a focus on fitness for life.

As a certified functional nutrition practitioner we will deep dive into your gut health, hormonal health and immune health. We will take a new approach to food and fitness based on where you are currently, your overall goals, and your history. 

You will get:

1. Train with Angela, my online training program and/OR unlimited classes at Pick-Fit

2. Personalized nutritional guidance from a functional nutrition perspective with a holistic health context. 

3. Weekly 1 hour zoom sessions to release the old and integrate the new

3 Months Minimum 

1 Time Payment of $1500


3 Monthly payments of $550


(This payment does not include additional functional lab testing or supplements that may be recommended.)